Learn about our wellness plans!
Regular and affordable health care plans for your pet.
Why Wellness Plans?
Petly Wellness Plans are a convenient option to manage yearly veterinary expenses. Petly Plans provide preventive veterinary services for one year, dividing the cost into 12 affordable monthly payments. You can even upgrade your plan as your pet ages.
All plans include:
- Wellness examinations and core vaccines
- A copay examination fee on scheduled visits
- Additional discounts on eligible items not included in the plan.
At Carolinas Veterinary Care Clinic, we look forward to helping provide your pet with the best possible care at every stage of life. Petly Plans help us make that care more affordable and convenient for you.
Ask one of our team members about Petly Plans and which plan is right for your pet!
Petly FAQs
What is Preventive Care?
Regular examinations, vaccinations, screenings, and other medical procedures provide your veterinarian with information about your pet’s body, organs, and overall health. By looking at your pet on a regular basis and measuring changes in their health, issues can be detected earlier, and you and your veterinarian can follow through with treatment sooner to avoid illness becoming costlier in the future. This approach to pet healthcare is called preventive care.
What Does Preventive Care Include?
Preventive care includes services such as routine checkups, necessary vaccinations, intestinal parasite screens, and recommended blood and urine screens. It may also include dental cleanings and other recommended services. Your pet’s age, species, breed, and overall health status will play a role in determining which services are needed in their preventive care protocol.
Do Young Pets Need Preventive Care?
Absolutely! Illnesses and diseases can affect a puppy or kitten’s health too. Preventive care can include vaccine series to protect against such dangerous diseases as distemper and rabies. Services may also include spaying and neutering your young pet and blood screening to establish baseline information for early detection of potential health threats in the future.
Do Senior Pets Need Preventive Care?
Absolutely! In fact, regular checkups and screenings are an essential part of making sure problems are caught as early as possible – a crucial part of keeping your senior pet happy and healthy as long as possible. Preventive care services for senior pets can include twice-annual checkups, blood and urine screening, dental cleanings, vaccinations, pest control, and more.
What Are Petly Plans?
Petly Plans are affordable monthly payment plans for your pet’s preventive-care services. Veterinarians created these care plans to help make taking care of your pet convenient and affordable. Petly Plans allow you and your vet to customize a plan to meet your individual needs and budget – and arrange monthly payments for those services instead of a once or twice-a-year lump sum.
Is There a Membership Fee?
Yes. You and your veterinarian will determine which care package is right for you and your budget. Once that is determined, you pay a monthly membership fee based on the plan you choose.
Can I Cancel or Change My Plan?
Yes. We understand that circumstances change and that life is hard to predict. We make it easy to change or cancel your plan at any time. You will be responsible only for the regular price of services you’ve used but won’t be penalized or charged fees for cancellation.
Is This an Insurance Policy?
No. It’s important to note that Petly Plans are not the same thing as pet insurance. Petly Plans help you manage the cost of necessary regular care for your pet. Pet insurance helps offset the costs of catastrophic events, like unexpected accidents or illnesses.
Are Petly Plans Right for Me?
Are you likely to visit your veterinarian one or more times a year? Do you want your pet to be current with vaccinations? Do you see signs of gum disease or other dental issues? Does your pet’s breed or genetic history suggest you watch out for specific health concerns? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Petly Plans is right for you. Talk to your veterinarian about which Petly Plan is best for your pet today!
Overview of Plans
Wellness Plan- Multiple-pet discount (-$20)
- 5% off non-plan items
- $30.00 examination copay (unlimited)
- Biannual preventative care examinations
- Core vaccine boosters (administered based on age, breed, and risk)
- Biannual fecal/intestinal parasite examinations
- Biannual deworm treatment for hookworms and roundworms
- Feline Leukemia and FIV screening (cats)
- Heartworm test (dogs)
- Annual wellness bloodwork
- $173.00 average minimum savings!*
Wellness Plan- Multiple-pet discount (-$20)
- 10% off non-plan items
- $30.00 examination copay (unlimited)
- Biannual preventative care examinations
- Core vaccine boosters (administered based on age, breed, and risk)
- Biannual fecal/intestinal parasite examinations
- Biannual deworm treatment for hookworms and roundworms
- Feline Leukemia and FIV screening (cats)
- Heartworm test (dogs)
- Annual wellness bloodwork
- Annual thyroid screen
- Annual urinalysis with sediment
- Routine dental cleaning package
- $503.00 average minimum savings!*
Wellness Plan- Multiple-pet discount (-$20)
- 10% off non-plan items
- $30.00 examination copay (unlimited)
- Biannual preventative care examinations
- Core vaccine boosters (administered based on age, breed, and risk)
- Biannual fecal/intestinal parasite examinations
- Biannual deworm treatment for hookworms and roundworms
- Feline Leukemia and FIV screening (cats)
- Heartworm test (dogs)
- Annual wellness bloodwork
- Annual thyroid screen
- Annual urinalysis with sediment
- Routine dental cleaning package
- Annual radiographs (thoracic or abdominal)
- $543.00 average minimum savings!*
* Average minimum savings in the first year will be less the cost of the initial membership fee.
- Plan is non-transferrable.
- Plan cannot be applied to past visits.
- An appointment must be scheduled for services to be used.
- Additional discounts apply to eligible non-plan items only and cannot be used with other promotions and/or discounts.
- Extractions, medications, and other changes incurred during a dental cleaning are at an additional cost.